Guide, A Person who gives information
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”, Shakespeare.
Tomato, Tomahto and other examples of what or how you call a thing a thing, right?
Historically a real estate agent has been called by many names: agent, broker, Realtor, sales agent, and probably less flattering names as well. However, my partner in life and business, Terry Anderson, and I like to say we are Guides in the real estate transaction. When I say Guide, my first thought is a Spiritual Guide, like an angel. When Terry thinks of a Guide his first thought is an Outfitter, like a fly-fishing guide on a river in Montana or Alaska.
A guide really is, by definition, a person who advises or shows the way to others. We like to consider ourselves your expert guide to home buying and selling. Terry and I are full time residential agents and strive for constant and never-ending improvement, learning through experiences and education, and just having fun.
In today’s age of information most buyers and sellers are well educated regarding real estate, but when it comes to the emotions of a piece of property you’re making into or giving up as a home, it’s best to have a guide. There’s also the consideration of the large amount of money involved, and you would want someone to guide you in best practices, current expectations and reasonable costs or expenses.
Most people could sell their home on their own considering the amount of information available, but when you consider the liability of having complete strangers walking through your precious property, it’s best to have a guide who has the tools in place to protect you and your property. When it comes time to conduct the transaction, you could rely on generic documents, but again, with the amount of money involved and the liability, would you put your transaction in the pages of a generalized document? Why not have the expert Guide provide the lawyer approved and reviewed contracts as well as conduct the negotiations in a professional and fiduciary manner.
We like to think of ourselves as well rounded, we’ve got a lot of personal life experiences, and we love to try new restaurants and visit different places around the city and state. We focus our real estate business primarily on the SE metro Phoenix area, but we have the tools and connections to help you with a home buy or sell in any location in the valley (and we have lots of agents around Arizona we would refer you to that we have found to be trustworthy).
Our real Guide strengths are in our love and desire to help people realize their dreams. Several years ago, I followed Terry into Tempe Chamber of Commerce membership. Not only did I grow as a leader, I also applied for and was accepted into the Tempe Leadership Program, Class XXXII. That nine-month adventure taught me a tremendous amount of invaluable history of Tempe, but also gave me a greater perspective of the growth and development of the entire Phoenix area. This Phoenix valley is an amazing and diverse community, from water sources to artifact discoveries every time there’s a new ground break for building, and to the businesses the economic development administration attracts.
I’ve said from the beginning of my Realtor adventure that I’m so impressed with the metro Phoenix founding fathers and their contemporaries. They have thoughtful planning; they are forward thinking in the businesses they invite and the legislation that makes this state attractive. The water issues have been addressed and considered since the beginning of the development of the state and the city. (There is some water stress, but it's not dire, like some sources would have you believe) Archeology finds reveal hundreds of miles of excavated canals dug by the now extinct farmers of the Hohokam Tribe in the SW desert. They’ve also discovered interesting finds of jewelry, textiles, and pottery.
Another benefit of real estate in Arizona, besides always being a good investment for your financial wealth, the process of buying is very transparent. Just ask me for a Buyer’s Advisory, which is chock full of resources online and off line to discover everything from the clay ground to what’s flying overhead! Naturally since we live in the desert there are some areas where the ground is more clay-like and there are wonderful advances in building that support the weight of a house on clay, and protect the tiles on your roof from flying off during a Haboob.
“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach” George Bernard Shaw
I was in the dental field, as a dental hygienist, for 25 years. I loved the preventive and educational part of it, verses the restorative part that the dentist performed. We used to joke around in the dental world that dentists, and quite frankly hygienists, that couldn’t cut it in the real world of a practice became teachers of the profession. Teaching, I see now from the 10,000 foot view, is truly to be revered as a Guide to best practices. Now that I’m a Realtor, a real estate Guide, I practice those same best practices values by educating clients in the home buying or selling process to ensure the investment is a quality transaction including the house, the neighborhood, and the contracts.
Terry and I have both been life-long do-ers. We are not afraid to dig into a project and do what it takes to get the best result. We are problem solvers and love a good puzzle for a win-win result.
We are open for questions, concerns, and updates, please call!
Lori Zurcher, 602-689-2354